When men of purpose are
given appointments it gladdens the heart of many. To those who know Alhaji Nura
Kangiwa, his achievements in the Tourism sector speak for itself. Ever since he
came to limelight earlier in the century, he has carved a niche for himself as
an easy-going man who doesn’t talk much but allows his achievements to speak
for itself.
One of the sectors that
has obviously been overlooked and underestimated in Nigeria is the Tourism
sector. Blinded by the same thinking that made the country dump agriculture, Tourism
also suffered the same fate. It simply refused to take off with the country’s
independence. The neglect of the sector has meant that with each new
appointment, Nigerians especially those who know what the sector could do for
the economy as well as stakeholders hope and pray that men and women who will
catapult the sector to the front burner be picked.
Truly many men and women
have come and with them, high hopes that things will change and that the sector
will receive the necessary boost. But like Godot, in vain they waited.
Perhaps this is why many
people’s hearts are gladdened with the appointment of Alhaji Nura Kangiwa as
the Chief Executive Officer of National Institute for Hospitality and Tourism,
Kangiwa, a thoroughbred
gentleman is a professional who knows his onions. He has been around and active
within the Tourism sector for close to two decades. And he has been a major
player, working at various times handling image management, fund sourcing as
well as managing institutions relating to Tourism. The new success recorded by
Argungu Festival in Kebbi State in recent times is a major testimonial to his
acumen. From being moribund, he catapulted the Festival back to limelight and
from there.
Observers believe he has
come to NIHOTOUR to rebrand and reposition the organisation while also lifting
the sector to a new level in terms of visibility and sectoral recognition. The
news, according to stakeholders is gratifying because NIHOTOUR is very
important to the operations of the sector, being the body that trains their
staff and ensures that impeccable international standard is maintained.
Already, he has set out to put in place structures that will fast-track the message he has brought and that is that NIHOTOUR must leverage on its position to take Tourism in Nigeria to a new level. Apart from consulting stakeholders, he has also lined up activities to promote this. As raised by a stakeholder, perhaps those who appointed Nura Kangiwa know that Nigeria at this point in time needs men like him, to help ginger the sector so that it can take its noble place in generating revenue for the development of the country.